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Decent Original Poems from 2022

Wandering In Darkness

I have wandered into

Every corner of the West

And come back to you now with

Darkness rather than light,

All embracing nostalgia, and

The infinite expansion

Of consciousness



Leave me here,

Books strewn about before

Altars lit with

Burning incense,

Fields expanding and retracting

As a reflection of

Infinite chaos,

I do not need your light.

Leave me here,

Music forces the body

To sway before

Surreal pillars of twilight fire,

Silence echoing outside

The gates of eternity,

I do not need your light.

Leave me here,

Existential and hedonistic,

Carnal and divine,

Indulgent and invested,

Wandering and awake,

I do not need your light.



One who says things of great meaning

Is often observed speaking gibberish

As well.

This is because the wise know meaning

Is only found through

Trial and error.

Most never speak at all

For fear of the gibberish, and thus never say

Anything of meaning.


Wedding Week

A lifetime of waiting,

An eternity of seeking,

I sought my goddess through the plains of heaven and

Fires of hell,

Being led astray but always regaining

The path,

Often doubting but

Never surrendering.

And now here she is upon me,

Ready to wander side by side for eternity,

Irrelevant of the direction.



The fallen prey

Fall and pray

To they who prey on the fallen



Meaning is a phantom,

A specter ever slipping through the fingers as it runs carelessly through abandoned, cobwebbed halls,

A tantalizing, waking image of subconscious desire made real in the moments preceding the dawn.

Grasp for it, trap it when you can, observe it at rest and play, with retina and microscope, in the darkness and light.

Then set it upon the waves of chance once more to seek new adventures, and catch for yourself meanings anew.


Actual Diagnosis

Tossing and turning,

Faces of the past,

Vast mythological vistas and

Blasphemous violations of physics,

Mind racing while the world rests its

Collective, empty head.

There is no off switch,

Not even little bedside Altars to nocturnal gods

Appear to bring relief.

Subconsciousness in control,

A 'gift' of Matter.

"You're doing philosophy in your sleep", he told me.

"Never seen that before."


Trust the State

We cowered from the magicians hiding in the shadows,

Said to cast arcane spells against

The kind and innocent,

But never saw them in the streets or

Suffered at their hands.

We cheered for the authorities who

Dragged them into the light,

Crushing their bodies with stones,

Tearing them limb from limb,

Charring their flesh with burning fires,

Until they came for one of our own,

Most innocent of heart and action.

We feared the wrong people.


Note to Self

Not everything has to

Spiral out into

Infinite complexity.

Sometimes simplicity

Will do.



It's been one century since

The discovery of the boy-king Tut.

Son of a heretic pharaoh,

Achiever of no glory,

Tool for the corrupt,

Sickly or murdered.

Focus on the boy-king and his

Tomb filled with gold,

Avert your eyes from the Setians

And their victory against the light.



I hate those days

When you realize the close friend

Or loved one

Or family member

Or new acquaintance

Or coworker

Or - especially - child

Is just another materialist,

Another monotheist,

Another statist,

Another sheep,

Another authoritarian,

Another denier or hater of the Self,

Another bootlicker,

Another spectator to existence,

Another willing slave,

Another worker drone,

Another leftist or righty,

Another programmed, nonplayable character.



Would you help a member of your tribe?

Can you be trusted?

What are your morals and intentions?

How good is your advice for my path?

Do you show respect where due?

Are my values similar to yours?

Could we share new ideas instead of debating primitive ones?

Is my Will as free as your own?


Birth of Nostalgia (and perhaps a child)

Old friends,

Few and far between.

Lives separated more by

The vast distances of

Time rather than space.

Past haunts change,

For better or worse,

Irrelevant of fond memories -

The streets do not care for us

Or mind our absence.

These recollections are given

Meaning only by our


They are not defined by time,

Or space,

Or the matter which births

Each in turn.

They are given life

Only by us.



The ignorant believe slavery is a sin

Of the distant past.

The wise still see slavery in our obedience to the state,

Our obscenely offensive corporate cultures,

Our adherence to social norms.

The enlightened know slavery exists in every required breath,

Every instance of dehydration and hunger,

Every act of bodily waste,

Every moment of boredom, sadness, and exhaustion.



Small villages under infinite skies,

Hills of sand forever transforming

With the rain from storms

And hidden winds.

Gods combine,

Writing their own mythologies

Into the dusty plains which

Eternally expand between

Small, shared Temples.


Moving Day

Moving is exhausting,

Too tired to conceive of new art,

At least the blazing purple pentagram

Is hung with sinful pride.


In the Desert

In most places

The seasons change gradually,

But not here

In the desert.

A yearly battle

Between winter and summer,

Darkness and light,

Comfort and heat,

Activity and stagnation,

Shade and sun,

Rain and drought,

Expansion and retraction,

Stretching on into infinity

To illustrate the hidden nature

Of two distinct,

Mutually exclusive paths.

In most places

The seasons change gradually,

But not here

In the desert.


The Consumer

Leak of a video game sequel,

Spoilers of an upcoming film,

Tell all with the hot new writer of the day,

Sports team victory,

Voyeurs in the comment section

Watching along,

Saying this makes them a

Part of history.

What sad lives we are led to.


Curses, Curses


The degradation of the self

The denial of the will

The hatred of one's own soul


To try and drag others down

Proselytize nihilism and self hated

Imprison oneself to lesser powers

Serpents acting as worms


Replace tyrant with tyrant

Trade Lord for Lord

Switch slavery for slavery

Change the name and symbols and call it Good


The mundane masses

The atheists dressed in black

The faith in stupidity


The Venerable Priest Wainwright

The sun rests,

Haughty and arrogant,

In the blinding sky,

Holding on desperately as

Storm clouds creep in

From the North.

Distant lightning flashes,

Followed by the deep rumble of thunder.

Clouds roll across the darkening vault of heaven

As soothing rain gently drizzles

Upon the joyful desert

And its people.

The air cools while evening descends

And the winds move on

From the land.

Skies clear and the stars twinkle welcomingly,

The seven spiraling heavens,

The Zodiac on its axis,

The Imperishable Souls shining eternally above.


What is Happening to the Neighborhood?


The fuck

Are all these

Toads coming


30 years and never once

Now two in a row


Soul Goals

My awareness is as Wepwawet

My perception is as Heru-Ur

My knowledge is as Djehuti

My voice is as Hu

My magic is as Khonsu

My greatness is as Tauret

My strength is as Setesh

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