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Disclosure Re: Studying ONA

Hi all. For my graduate program I'm probably going to be focusing on ONA for numerous reasons. They are obscure, relevant, dangerous, and most importantly, interesting. It allows me to study something that I've always been fascinated and terrified by, and bring more awareness to it.

For example, there has never been an investigation into the specifics of ONA rituals, such as the star game, so this will be the focus for my class on ritual. It'll include building and playing the game, and hopefully working with a programmer so other academics can look at this hard to visualize, but absolutely central, ritual.

I think it's well known that I'm interested in ONA and some of their ideas (specifically the star game and insight roles), but have always opposed the group as a far-right tradition rooted in Esoteric Nazism. None of this has changed. If you think my ethnically Jewish ass with Hebrew tattoos is trying to become ONA, it would be hard to find a more stupid person. That said, it's become clear that certain groups/clicks, who have disliked my ideas and presence for many years now, and tried to smear me in the past, intend to paint me as a sympathizer who has fallen into and is promoting ONA. "Scarabs sucks" and "scarabs is a terrorist" are very different smear campaigns, and I just can't risk fucking around with people who have nothing more to life than discrediting LHPers outside their group. Unfortunately the target audience of such campaigns have no interest in reality or critical thinking, so really I have no option but to back out of certain communities.

I make this post to add it to the decades long paper trail confirming my consistent views of ONA and outsider status. Yes, they are very interesting, have some fascinating ideas, and are unique in that they require members to be active in their own initiation. They are also evil nazis who have led to spin off groups consisting of some of the most heinous criminals imaginable. Both these facts can be true at once. I am not, will not, and have never been a "Niner," and I don't want to be. I literally couldn't be between my heritage and general hatred of working out lol.

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